My Story with Skin Cancer: Sara Block

Sun protection has always been important to Sara Block. Since she was a kid, she would lather on the sunscreen and do her best to avoid the sun’s harsh rays.
Because of this, she was understandably shocked to be told that a mole on her upper arm was melanoma.
This is Sara’s story.
Sara's Story: Battling Melanoma

When and How Were You First Diagnosed with Melanoma?
I grew up in Wisconsin and one summer day in July of 2003, as my mom put suntan lotion on my back she noticed a really black, very small, and indented mole on the upper area of my left arm.
I was 21 years old at the time of my diagnosis. I made an appointment with my primary physician to have him look at my mole and remove it.
I got the results back and it was a melanoma skin cancer.
It was caught at a really early stage so all I needed was a second cutting. The second big cutting had a clean margin with no cancer cells.
I went to a dermatologist every six months for 5 years to have my moles checked, then I graduated to once a year.
I have had a lot of moles removed since my diagnosis but all have been melanoma free. I am now 37 years old.
How Did Your Melanoma Diagnosis Change Your Life?
The way I think about how to be safe in the sun is what has changed my life.
I think of alternative ways to stay safe in the sun that minimize the usage of sunscreen.
I wear a lot more sun hats than I used to as well to protect my face, neck, and scalp. I seek shade more often.
What Would You Say Was the Most Impactful Experience of Your Battle with Melanoma?
When I was diagnosed with Melanoma, rash guards weren’t popular for adults or trendy at the time.
When I attended a camp convention at a conference center, camp counselors didn’t stare at me when I wore my rash guard and swim shorts to the pool at the conference center. They were more accepting of how I looked.
When a college reunion happened that same weekend the women that were about 30 to 40 years old stared at me wearing my rash guard. I didn’t care that they were staring at me because I knew I was being safe in the sun.
What Would You Most Like People to Know About Yourself?
Even though I live in sunny Florida and have had a melanoma mole removed, I can still enjoy an active lifestyle of swimming laps in the pool, beach combing, taking walks on the beach, snorkeling, and walking while I wear my sun protection clothing.
What Is Your Greatest Source of Strength and/or Inspiration?
My greatest source of strength would be my positive personality and my patience. A lot of my family members, coworkers and bosses comment on my positivity and my patience level.
Did Your Diagnosis Change Your Perspective on the Importance of Sun Protection?
Yes. I try to wear sunscreen and sun protective swimwear and clothing now, like sim capris with UPF and sunglasses.

What Are Some of Your Favorite Ways to Stay Sun Safe?
I wear UV Skinz sun protective clothing such as hooded zip swim shirts, swim shorts, swim capris, and rash guards.
I also wear a sun hat with a flap to cover my neck, sunscreen, and sunglasses.
I also use scalp sunscreen and wear my hooded zip-up swim jacket when I walk the beach or swim laps in the pool. I try to find and wear sunscreens that have fewer chemicals in them.
What Is the Best Advice You Can Give to Someone Who Thinks That Skin Cancer Won’t Happen to Them?
Keeping your skin healthy can also save your life in the long run.
Life is so precious and short sometimes, you should protect and try hard to prevent skin cancer from happening. But sometimes you try really hard to protect yourself and things do happen.
Protect your skin at an early age and your skin will love you at an older stage of your life.
Do You Have any Final Thoughts You Want to Share?
Sometimes I don’t think of myself as a Melanoma survivor because my Melanoma was diagnosed at such an early stage that I didn’t have to go through chemotherapy and radiation like some people. But then again, it is a form of cancer that I beat and face and deal with positively every day!
My heart goes out to those who have battled melanoma through chemotherapy, radiation, to families who have had a loved one die from melanoma.
I also wear “Melanoma Sucks” T-shirts and skin cancer survivor t-shirts. They spark a lot of different conversations about other people’s melanoma stories when I least expect them. Plus, since I am younger than most people who get melanoma, it surprises people when I wear my melanoma sucks t-shirts and show them my scar!

Disclaimer: There is no concrete medical evidence that sunscreen can contribute to skin cancer. However, many experts say that the chemicals in many sunscreens can be very toxic and cause damage that has not been studied or fully understood. It is recommended to cover up as much as possible with UV protective clothing and avoid peak UV hours, rather than lather on chemical sunscreen.